Tuesday, June 16, 2015

A morning gift for your body

Give yourself a 10 minute body massage with your voice
 Each morning start new and fresh!

Sing out loud the 7 vowels of your 7 chakras
1st chakra - UH (as in the word "huh")  focus your attention on the base of your spine
2nd chakra - OOO (as in the word "you") focus the attention on your belly button
3rd chakra - OH (as in the word "go") focus your attention on your upper stomach
4th chakra - AH (as in word "father")  focus your attention on your heart
5th chakra - EYE (as in the word "I")  focus your attention on your throat
6th chakra - AYE (as in the word "say") focus your attention in between your eyebrows
7th chakra - EEE (as in the word "me") focus your attention on the top of your head

While practicing this technique it is better to be standing with legs slightly apart and arms resting on the side.

Beginning with the 1st chakra, 
Take a deep breath and start singing the first vowel while slowly letting out the breath.
Try to elongate each vowel until it fades away on its own.

Repeat all 7 vowels 3 times! Enjoy!

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Why is sound so important for the well being of my body?

Sound can be used to make changes in the body. It can trigger the cells, the organs, the nerves, and any other form of matter in our complex anatomy. The cool thing about it is that sound + intention can do wonders for someone that really wants to see a transformation in their system.
It also has another important benefit, it helps to shift from one emotional state to another.
In a matter of minutes, the sound being resonated in the body can change our entire state of being.
We all use sound in our lives to a smallest degree for healing purposes whether we know it or not.
When we listen to our favorite song, or music group, when listening to the voice of someone we really like (usually that person's voice has a soothing effect on us). But we forget that we have instant access to that sound 24/7 and that is by using our own sounds, coming right from our voice. In the workshops we  work with the voice using simple and powerful techniques.
I invite you to delve deeper into this form of therapy!
 sign up, write me to save your spot for the next class.